Monday, March 25, 2013

My Favorite Visitors

While I always enjoy visitors, I'm afraid I have a special bias toward the four-legged visitors- "The Pet Pals"
David, John and I enjoying our special visitor together!  
My doggie friends always surprise me, as I never know who is coming or when!  But I'm always ready to let them in when they traipse the hallways, looking to bring smiles to every room.  Some doggies are really big, like Keeshonds, and others are really small like Briards.  I've also met Rottweilers  Shih Tzu, Chinese Shar-pi, and even a few retired racing greyhounds!

 John with one dolled up doggie!  
They each come in and introduce themselves.  Sometimes they are in a group, other times they come alone.  They each usually give me a "doggie card"; much like a baseball card.  The card has their name, age, breed, and a short paragraph about what they like to do.  Some dogs will just lie down on the floor, and contently let me pet them.  A few of them will demonstrate tricks.  The last ones even signed my door of friends!! If I'm not feeling well, some of the smaller ones will lie down on a towel on my bed, so that I can still visit with them. For the holidays, they usually dress up, with a fancy or funny collar.  Each of them shares their love with me, and always makes me feel better!  

 Besch and his human signing my door...
Annabelle saying Hi!  
The Pet Pals have received special training and certification to be able to visit.  Oh, and by the way, they usually bring a human with them, to carry their doggie cards and treats.  Thank you doggies (and humans), for brightening my days!

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