Thursday, April 23, 2015


I landed around 7pm (Denver time).  My AYA coordinator Amelia was on the same flight. We got our luggage and then went for the shuttle. Downtown Denver reminds me a lot of Cleveland. It isn't as big as I was thinking, and the layout reminds me a lot of Cleveland.
I can't wait to see the mountains. There was a storm when we flew in, and then it was dark so I haven't seen them yet. On our shuttle we met another CancerCon attendee, who started the first collegiate stupid cancer group! Amelia went straight to her room, as it was midnight Cle time by then, but I was hungry! There is like a little mall right around the corner, so I was able to get a burger from a place there. Definitely the biggest burger I have ever eaten! I hadn't eaten for 10 hours between flying and hydrating instead so I polished it all off.
Tomorrow I'll register, explore some, meet people from Cleveland, study a bit and relax.
The hotel has a huge stupid cancer logo on all the walls. It's pretty sweet. It's also really weird being in a big hotel room all by myself.
There is a huge bear looking into the convention center. I'll take a picture of it tomorrow.
Well it's late either time zone, so Ciao!

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